Thursday, February 25, 2016

post 11 theme of my favorite movie

My favorite movie is Brotherly Love and the theme would be "what goes around comes back around". The main character is a guy that kills these 3 boys and at the end he ends up getting killed but one of the guys cousins

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

POST 9: Something I often wear and what it symbolizes

For about the months I'd sometimes always wear a U.S Army hat that my boyfriend gave to me before I left for school and before he left for basic training. Now I have many army bears and jackets from him to have something to remember when he's gone and now will be in Korea for two years.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Response to 2 collegue view of settings

Monica thinks the setting of "Soldiers Home" is in Kansas in the summer of 1919 which I agree on. "The setting in Hemingway's "Soldier's Home", is in Oklahoma. It takes place in the summer of 1919. in Krebs's home, who was returned home from France and Germany from fighting in WWI. he spends time in the house a lot. Krebs loves to read books at the local library . The rest of the story explains how Krebs just wants to relax during WWI."

Jasmine thinking the setting of "Soldiers Home" is in Kansas as well.

The setting of Hemingway's story " Soldiers Home" is in Oklahoma at Kreb's home. This takes place in the year 1920 during the summer. This is after World War 1 has ended when the people in the war return home from fighting. " Kreb's returned tot his home town in Oklahoma the greeting of hereos was over" pg. 187 paragraph 2

The setting of Packers story

The story takes place in Tokyo where Dina moves to from Baltimore in hope of making a lot of money. Tokyo is the setting and also the apartment where she lives with other people.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

What two of my colleagues learned about their story or poem

"The story I read and learned about is called "Three Girls" the author is Joyce Carol Oates. There were two  girls who loved books and were poets and worked in a strand. One girl spotted  an unknown visitor that she wasn't aware of, so she went and got the other girl  to go sneak and find out who it was and when they both  found out who she was they were both very shocked it was Marilyn Monroe by herself alone. Marilyn purchased about five or six books and after that the girls couldn't resist they had to follow Marilyn Monroe"

" What I've learned From a Secret Sorrow? I have learned from the book is to love yourself and to be true to yourself. In the story there was a young lover named Faye. She had a secret that she has been keeping from her boyfriend Kai. Kai really loved her and he wanted her to marry him but Faye kept on saying no because she was scared to tell him that she was not able to have children. She felt as if she told him he would not except her and he would change his mind about marrying her. But it turned out to be the Kai didn't really mind that she could not have kids he just wants to be with her forever"

What I learned about my poem

Georgia wanted to place everyone in the same situation as her. And to feel equal with everybody as one.

Monday, February 1, 2016

How the authors life affects her poem

Georgia Douglas Johnson was born to an interracial family. An African American grandfather and a Native American grandmother. She was one of the major women writers to play a good role in the Harlem Renaissance. She also hosted meetings at her house know as The Saturday Night Club to discuss, debate and and make plans on projects affecting the American blacks. Which in Share My World, she wants to give people a feel to live like her as a black women or just making everybody feel as if we're all one, and the same. Skin color doesn't matter.