Thursday, March 31, 2016

Post 19: Metaphor in a song lyric

Life is  A Highway by Rascal Flatts
"Life is a highway
I wanna ride it all night long
If you're going my way
I wanna drive it all night long"
 "Life is like a Highway" is a metaphor that compares life and highway. Life, like a highway, is a long road with twists and turns, stop signs, and etc. but it doesn't remain the same forever.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Post 18: Images two colleagues' discussed in their post

Alexus Boles stated "An image is language that addresses the senses." Images can mean so many different things. I believe it really depends on the viewer of the image, because each individual person is different and we interpret things differently." 
I don't see any difference with our views

Jasmine Brown stated that "In the song Waterfalls by TLC a reader might think this song is actually about chasing waterfalls just from the title while it is really about a guy who has HIV and AIDS.  
“One day he goes and takes a glimpse in the mirror
But he doesn’t recognise his own face
His health is fading and he doesn’t know why
Three letters took him to his final resting place.”
I agree with her post

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Post 17: Why images can mean so many different things.

Images can mean so many things to different  people, not everybody thinks the same or has the same views as each other. Still I Rise by Maya Angelou is my favorite poem. I think its about knowing whatever happens, happens but you cant let it bring you down."Just like the moons and like suns-- still I rise" which I think shes's saying just like the moon and the sun rises everyday no matter what so can she, no matter what & to be strong.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Post 14: Two colleagues' favorite poems or lyrics

Marlons favorite song lyric.
Kevin Gates said " My daily conversation, it consist of hustle grinding from the bottom sick and tired of struggle shining don't want pop it off it's on the muscle police is harassing don't want see us come up" I think this mean never stop grinding even if the feds watching you.

Tiffany's favorite song lyric
My favorite song right now is Hello by Adele. In the song she says"Hello, can you hear me" to me she is crying out to her old lover. Theme of the song discuss themes of nostalgia and regret. She shows how she let someone go who she really loved. Nostalgia is going back to the old in which she wanted her old flame back . I can really relate to her and this song on a deep level.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Post 13: Favorite song lyric or poem

My favorite poem is Still I Rise by Maya Angelou. This poem is basically addressed to white oppressors of black people. It is also about courage and strength and everybody joining together with one voice to support one another. 

"You may shoot me with your words
You may cut me with your eyes
You may kill me with your hatefulness
But still, like air, I'll rise.k"

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Post 10. What two of my colleagues symbols'

 Jahai Canty symbols
  Something that I wear or carry is my moneybag chain around my neck. My favorite piece in the game of monopoly is the moneybag. The moneybag chain I wear is to symbolizes me grinding everyday to get to the riches. To keep stacking my funds and never folding. The moneybag chain I wear is to symbolize every time I make investments with money. I should take the course with less opportunity costs and financial loses.

Jaylen Popes' symbol
Something that I carry almost everyday is my Calvin Klein hand bag on occasions. Calvin Klein is a fashion company that not only creates handbags they also make clothes, book bags, underwear, shoes and accessories. The word "Calvin Klein" symbolizes the founder who name is Calvin Klein. The "CK" is their logo that the company advertise which make the consumer familiar with the company and the product.

Post 12 Theme of my life so far

The theme of my life so far would be to live and to learn. Because I'm still young and have a lot to look forward too and learn. We all go through things to get through them and learn.